As we start a new year, now is the perfect time to take a look at your enterprise content management (ECM) system and see if you are using it to its utmost potential. Here are five ways Ascentas can help you reach those ECM resolutions in the New Year.
Upgrade your current ECM system
The start of a new year is a great time to evaluate your current ECM system and see if it still meets your business needs. For example, does your system allow you to find documents as quickly as you’d like it to, notify you of records that are up for destruction or make sharing documents with co-workers and people outside of your organisation simple? Here are some resources to help you decide whether to migrate to a new ECM system or upgrade your current one:
5 Steps for Migrating From One ECM System to Another
Is your current enterprise content management (ECM) system no longer being supported by its vendor? Don’t despair. Here are five steps to …
4 Steps to Identify Your Business Need
When you’re building your business case, you can’t build your team, brainstorm solutions or crunch numbers unless your business need is crystal …
Declutter your repository
That repository that you’ve been stuffing with content all year may have become cluttered and disorganised. Now is the best time to clean it up. Not sure where to start? Check out these resources to help you decide which aspects of your repository need reorganising, and how to do it:
Cluttered ECM Repository? These 3 Flowcharts Will Help
An ECM repository is like a refrigerator: it can stay clean and organised with a little effort or it can become an …
5 Things I Wish I’d Known About Organising My Repository
A disorganised ECM repository can lead to wasted time, reduced productivity and employee frustration. Here are five things to keep in mind …
Make sure your content is secure
Be sure to evaluate your ECM security policy. Take control of information across the enterprise by restricting access to folders, documents, fields, annotations and other granular document properties. Don’t forget about your social media posts—approving content before it is published can help you avoid potential PR mishaps. Here is some information to help ensure that all of your content is secure using metadata:
3 Ways to Keep Content Secure with Metadata
So you’ve populated your repository with content and applied appropriate templates, fields, tags and link groups. It is now time to make …
Import all of your documents into the repository
Organising the content that is currently in your repository is just one aspect of a new year’s clean up. It is also time to get the records you’ve been storing on paper or on network drives into your ECM system. Here are some resources to help you scan paper documents and migrate content into the repository from a shared network drive:
How is an ECM System Different from a Network Drive?
Practically every office uses internal network drives—they’re easy to use, great for sharing files and don’t require much maintenance—at first. But then …
10 Excuses for Keeping Paper Records
Paper records are like your favourite old jumper—full of memories and full of holes. While one can understand nostalgia for clothing, emotional …
Optimise your current processes
As the new year approaches, you’ll want to think about how to optimise your current business processes. From improving document searchability with metadata to reengineering your existing business processes and shortening lengthy electronic forms, these three resources will help you achieve this resolution:
3 Ways Metadata Makes Finding Documents Easy
So you just got Laserfiche and you’re excited to fill the repository with hundreds of documents. But wait! Before adding content into …
4 Ways to Fix Ridiculously Long Electronic Forms
Most business processes begin with a form. Employee Onboarding, customer contract agreements and Subject Access Requests are a few common precursors to …

Is your ECM system beyond repair?
Get a free copy of the Document Management Handbook to reevaluate your system and decide if it’s time to invest in something new.
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